This page shows details for the linedance classes in Benidorm.
Changes do occur and will be noted on this webpage should that occur.
Hotel Nereo
Mondays | Intermediate | 11am to 1pm | 5 Euros |
Tuesdays | Mixed | 11am to 1pm | 5 Euros |
Wednesdays | Intermediate | 11am to 1pm | 5 Euros |
Thursdays | Beginner/Imp | 11am to 1pm | 5 Euros |
Fridays | Improver | 11am to 1pm | 5 Euros |
Tuesdays | Beginner/Imp | 2pm to 4pm | 5 Euros |
Please note: Covid restrictions have been relaxed, no masks and social distancing are no longer required. These restrictions are always subject to change.